Rabu, 28 April 2010

INFO: Pengumuman pendaftaran USM STAN

Kementerian Keuangan akan menerima putra dan putri Warga Negara Indonesia untuk mengikuti pendidikan pada Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN) dengan spesialiasasi sebagai berikut:

1. Program Diploma I Keuangan Spesialisasi Kepabeanan dan Cukai
2. Program Diploma III Keuangan Spesialisasi Kepabeanan dan Cukai
3. Program Diploma III Keuangan Spesialisasi Anggaran/Kebendaharaan Negara
4. Program Diploma III Keuangan Spesialisasi Pajak
5. Program Diploma III Keuangan Spesialisasi Pengurusan Piutang dan Lelang Negara
6. Program Diploma III Keuangan Spesialisasi Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan
7. Program Diploma III Keuangan Spesialisasi Akuntansi

Pendaftaran dibuka : 10 Mei – 4 Juni 2010
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Kamis, 08 April 2010


Mengutip kata-kata dosen saya di kampus:
“Proses itu adalah sesuatu yang kita tahu awalnya, namun kita tidak pernah tahu kapan hal tersebut akan berakhir.”
Berangkat dari kata-kata itu, saya sebagai seorang “Aang” menyadari banyak hal dalam hidup saya”. Bahwa hidup ini hanyalah sebuah proses yang tidak pernak kita tahu kapan proses itu sendiri akan berakhir”. Ikhtiar itu wajib hukumnya, tapi bukan berarti kita terlalu percaya dan berharap kepada segala sesuatu di dunia ini. Itulah mengapa kita harus menyandingkan kata “Insyaallah” dengan semua yang masih belum pasti karena sejatinya semua tidak ada yang pasti. Ingat the theory of relativity:
“Tidak ada yang pasti kecuali ketidakpastian itu sendiri”
Kita hidup dalam sebuah proses. Kita bisa saja menjalin hubungan yang kita kasi nama bersahabat, berteman atau bahkan berpacaran. Tapi jangan pernah berharap semuanya stanan -sama- . Saat kita menerima atau pinangan cinta diterima, maka proses jalinan kasih dimulai, maka proses pun dimulai dan pasti tanpa kita ketahui kapan akan berakhir (ingat definisi proses tadi).
Karena hanya Dia yang pasti menepati janjinya, karena hanya Dia tempat cuthat dan nangis paling nyaman. Bukan isi dunia ini deperti kata-kata cak Nun:

“Wahai dunia, kamu mendekat-dekat padaku, berusaha keras merayu-rayuku. Sudahlah berhentilah karena diam-diam jauh di dalam lubuk hatiku sudah kutalak tiga kehebatanmu.”
“wahai dunia!! Jugenggam engkau di tanganku, kuselipkan dijari-jariku. Cukuplah itu bagimu. Berhentilah berharap bahwa aku akan memasukkanmu ke dalam hatiku. Karena yang berhak yang menempati hatiku hanyakah kekasih-kekasihku dan engkau tidak punya apapun untuk pantas menjadi kekasihku. Terimalah nasibmu, wahai dunia!!. Uruslah karir,wanita-wanita cantik, semua kemajuan yang dikhayal-khayalkan. Aku men-support-mu dalam hal itu. Tapi berhentilah berharap untuk menguasai hidupku, berhentilah untuk menempati lubuk jiw cintaku.”

Kita hidup dalam proses.
Maaf tulisan saya mungkin masih banyak berbenah, harus dimaklumi karena dalam menulis saya juga masih dalam proses belajar, bukan belajar mencari kesalahan karena hal itu akan memaksa orang lain untuk mencari kesalahan. Tapi belajar dari kesalahan itu sendiri… =)

Aang Kunaefi
Bintaro Jakarta Selatan.

Rabu, 07 April 2010


Many people believe love is a sensation that magically generates when Mr. or Ms. Right appears. No wonder so many people are single. An excerpt from "Head to Heart."

A few years ago, I spoke to a group of high-schoolers about the Jewish idea of love.

"Someone define love," I said.

No response.

"Doesn't anyone want to try?" I asked.

Still no response.

"Tell you what: I'll define it, and you raise your hands if you agree. Okay?"


"Okay. Love is that feeling you get when you meet the right person."

Every hand went up. And I thought, Oy.

This is how many people approach a relationship. Consciously or unconsciously, they believe love is a sensation (based on physical and emotional attraction) that magically, spontaneously generates when Mr. or Ms. Right appears. And just as easily, it can spontaneously degenerate when the magic "just isn't there" anymore. You fall in love, and you can fall out of it.

The key word is passivity. Erich Fromm, in his famous treatise "The Art of Loving," noted the sad consequence of this misconception: "There is hardly any activity, any enterprise, which is started with such tremendous hopes and expectations, and yet, which fails so regularly, as love." (That was back in 1956 -- chances are he'd be even more pessimistic today.)

So what is love -- real, lasting love?

Love is the attachment that results from deeply appreciating another's goodness.

The word "goodness" may surprise you. After all, most love stories don't feature a couple enraptured with each other's ethics. ("I'm captivated by your values!" he told her passionately. "And I've never met a man with such morals!" she cooed.) But in her study of real-life successful marriages ("The Good Marriage: How and Why Love Lasts"), Judith Wallerstein reports that "the value these couples placed on the partner's moral qualities was an unexpected finding."

To the Jewish mind, it isn't unexpected at all. What we value most in ourselves, we value most in others. God created us to see ourselves as good (hence our need to either rationalize or regret our wrongdoings). So, too, we seek goodness in others. Nice looks, an engaging personality, intelligence, and talent (all of which count for something) may attract you, but goodness is what moves you to love.


If love comes from appreciating goodness, it needn't just happen -- you can make it happen. Love is active. You can create it. Just focus on the good in another person (and everyone has some). If you can do this easily, you'll love easily.

I was once at an intimate concert in which the performer, a deeply spiritual person, gazed warmly at his audience and said, "I want you to know, I love you all." I smiled tolerantly and thought, "Sure." Looking back, though, I realize my cynicism was misplaced. This man naturally saw the good in others, and our being there said enough about us that he could love us. Judaism actually idealizes this universal, unconditional love.

Obviously, there's a huge distance from here to the far more profound, personal love developed over the years, especially in marriage. But seeing goodness is the beginning.

Susan learned about this foundation of love after becoming engaged to David. When she called her parents to tell them the good news, they were elated. At the end of the conversation, her mother said, "Darling, I want you to know we love you, and we love David."

Susan was a bit dubious. "Mom," she said hesitantly, "I really appreciate your feelings, but, in all honesty, how can you say you love someone you've never met?"

By focusing on the good, you can love almost anyone.

"We're choosing to love him," her mother explained, "because love is a choice."

There's no better wisdom Susan's mother could have imparted to her before marriage. By focusing on the good, you can love almost anyone.


Now that you're feeling so warmly toward the entire human race, how can you deepen your love for someone? The way God created us, actions affect our feelings most. For example, if you want to become more compassionate, thinking compassionate thoughts may be a start, but giving tzedaka (charity) will get you there. Likewise, the best way to feel loving is to be loving -- and that means giving.

While most people believe love leads to giving, the truth (as Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler writes in his famous discourse on loving kindness) is exactly the opposite: Giving leads to love.

What is giving? When an enthusiastic handyman happily announces to his non- mechanically inclined wife, "Honey, wait till you see what I got you for your birthday -- a triple-decker toolbox!" that's not giving. Neither is a father's forcing violin lessons on his son because he himself always dreamed of being a virtuoso.

True giving, as Erich Fromm points out, is other-oriented, and requires four elements. The first is care, demonstrating active concern for the recipient's life and growth. The second is responsibility, responding to his or her expressed and unexpressed needs (particularly, in an adult relationship, emotional needs). The third is respect, "the ability to see a person as he [or she] is, to be aware of his [or her] unique individuality," and, consequently, wanting that person to "grow and unfold as he [or she] is." These three components all depend upon the fourth, knowledge. You can care for, respond to, and respect another only as deeply as you know him or her.


The effect of genuine, other-oriented giving is profound. It allows you into another person's world and opens you up to perceiving his or her goodness. At the same time, it means investing part of yourself in the other, enabling you to love this person as you love yourself.

The more you give, the more you love.

Many years ago, I met a woman whom I found very unpleasant. So I decided to try out the "giving leads to love" theory. One day I invited her for dinner. A few days later I offered to help her with a personal problem. On another occasion I read something she'd written and offered feedback and praise. Today we have a warm relationship. The more you give, the more you love. This is why your parents (who've given you more than you'll ever know) undoubtedly love you more than you love them, and you, in turn, will love your own children more than they'll love you.

Because deep, intimate love emanates from knowledge and giving, it comes not overnight but over time -- which nearly always means after marriage. The intensity many couples feel before marrying is usually great affection boosted by commonality, chemistry, and anticipation. These may be the seeds of love, but they have yet to sprout. On the wedding day, emotions run high, but true love should be at its lowest, because it will hopefully always be growing, as husband and wife give more and more to each other.

A woman I know once explained why she's been happily married for 25 years. "A relationship has its ups and downs," she told me. "The downs can be really low -- and when you're in one, you have three choices: Leave, stay in a loveless marriage, or choose to love your spouse."

Dr. Jill Murray (author of "But I Love Him: Protecting Your Daughter from Controlling, Abusive Dating Relationships") writes that if someone mistreats you while professing to love you, remember: "Love is a behavior." A relationship thrives when partners are committed to behaving lovingly through continual, unconditional giving -- not only saying, "I love you," but showing it.


Niat baik tidak selamanya dinilai baik. Alasannya simpel dan cukup klasik,"niat baik tidak selamanya diikuti dengan amalan baik". Apalagi niat yg buruk, naudzubillah..
Antara surga dan neraka bedanya sangat tipis, tipis sekali, ini yg membuat kita sering terpleset ke lingkaran api neraka tanpa kita sadari. Sekat antara surga dan neraka setipis nafsu yg terkadang bersembunyi di antara niat2 baik yg ingin kita laksanakan, dan kita menyebutnya kebijakan, -nafsu bersembunyi di balik kebijakan-..
Seorang guru mengatakan bahwa orang yg ingin sholat secara khusyuk itu justru tidak akan bisa khusyuk sebab keinginannya untuk khusyuk itu sendiri adalah nafsu,subhanallah..

Analisis yg luar biasa. Ilmuku msh blm sampai ke arah sana..
waduh, aku jadi malu kalau bicara surga dan neraka. Maklum aku hanya manusia biasa, ga ada istimewanya. Aku bukan santri yg pernah menimba ilmu di pesantren-aku bkn apa2-.
Aku jadi sungkan kpd orang2 yg ilmunya lebih tinggi..
Seharusnya aku diajari, bukan mengajari, astaughfirullah...
Tapi ga apa lah, aku numpang pamer kebodohan disini..
Bukannya sok sufi, bukan..
Aku masih jauh dari itu, bahkan aku mungkin ga akan pernah sampai ke sana karena sufi itu adalah getaran2 Ilahi yg hanya bisa diungkapkan bagi yg pernah mengalaminya. Bukan yg pernah mendengar orang2 yg pernah mengalaminya. Sufi adalah menyelam di lautan ilahi,tanpa kata2,tanpa bicara,tanpa daya,tanpa kekuatan,tanpa karsa dan gerak. Jika kelak ada kata2, gerak, kalimat2 yg meluncur lewat tajamnya pena, semua itu hanyalah peradaban sufi..
Tapi maaf, aku msh jauh dr itu semua..
Dan aku tak ingin marah atas kekuranganku ini karena marah itu awalnya gila dan akhirnya menyesal.
Sungguh bijaksana Allah memberi sekat yg tipis antara surga dan neraka,-agar manusia sadar akan kelemahannya dan hati2 di setiap langkahnya yg penuh pertanggungjawaban kelak-...
Waduh, mungkin aku udah melayang terlalu jauh, jauh sekali,maaf mungkin ini lah kebodohanku,kebodohan manusia..

Lain halnya dengan tempat kita berpijak,Indonesia raya..
Agak beda dengan topik surga neraka tadi.
Batas antara yg kaya dan yg miski ga setipis batas antara surga dan neraka,batasnya jauh sekali,masya Allah,Engkau Maha Adil, Engkau Mengetahui apa yg aku tidak ketahui..
Orang kaya di Indonesia banyak,konglomerat bertebarang di Indonesia..
Tapi ironisnya orang miskin juga lebih subur,sesubur budaya korupsi di Indonesia,budaya yg membawa surga bagi sebagian orang dan membawa neraka bagi hampir 200 juta orang Indonesia raya,budaya yg membawa indonesia ke pintu kehancuran,bahkan pintunya telah terbuka lebar,kapan saja negara kita ini bisa terpental memasukinya..
Para wakil2 rakyat, para pemimpin2 Kita yang ada disana. Bapak dan ibu sebenarnya mendapat amanah yang mulia dari jutaan rakyat indonesia, bapak dan ibu telah mendapat tiket untuk melakukan kebajikan buat negeri negeri ini,,
bayangkan jika bapak dan ibu pemimpin melaksanakan amanah rakyat sebijaksana mungkin, apa tidak mungkin berjuta bibir rakyat indonesia mendoakan bapak ibu semua?
Dan tiket k surga telah dikantongi..
Namun seperti yg aku katakan tadi, batas antara surga dan neraka sangat tipis. Jadi aku tidak heran jika bapak dan ibu pemimpin yg ada disana mungkin terpleset dalam mengemban amanah rakyat hingga tidak bisa menjaga amanah tersebut,mungkin malah mengkhianatinya,astaughfirullah aku su'udzan lagi..
Maaf kl aku terlalu pamer kebodohanku..
Mungkin niatku baik,tapi tak pernah ada yang tau di balik niatku yg baik ini terselip nafsu dan aku tak menyadarinya..
Batas surga dan neraka itu sangat tipis...